
Crystal Spotlight: Phantom Quartz
crystal spotlight: phantom quartz! Phantom Quartz has one of the most unique appearances of all crystals. That’s because this stone is actually made up of two crystals—the primary growth and secondary growth. The formation of the crystal goes through different phases...
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Your Guide To Crystals For Any Personality Type
There is a crystal for everyone. There is a crystal for your zodiac sign. There are crystals for your relationship, and there are even crystals based on your personality type.  The stones and crystals can support whatever mood you may...
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The Guide To Crystals And Their Healing Properties
Our ancestors were closely connected with the earth. They believed: “We were born from it, and we will eventually return to it.” To reconnect with our mother earth, they used crystals as a powerful tool and transformed negative thoughts into...
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How to charge your crystals
“In crystal we have a pure evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and although in spite of everything we cannot understand the life of crystals - it is still a living being." - Nikola Tesla   Our relationship...
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